
Sniper ghost warrior contracts xbox one
Sniper ghost warrior contracts xbox one

sniper ghost warrior contracts xbox one

One element which hasn’t been detailed much are the Rivals that can crop up during missions. The contract won’t be completed without a successful evac. That’s because you need to evacuate after an assassination so even when sniping, being silent is imperative for a smooth escape. Want to run around with a knife, chaining kills? How about running and gunning with a shotgun or just killing targets with grenades? It’s all possible but the louder the approach, the tougher it’ll be to complete the contract. You can get up close and personal with a silenced pistol and eliminate enemies one by one. While sniping is pretty much your main means of killing, you don’t have to play that way. But there is a nice cinematic flair added to kill, which can hopefully be skipped when we don’t want to see it every time. There’s no X-Ray mode like Sniper Elite 4 so you won’t see bones and muscles ripping apart with each shot landed. It wouldn’t be a sniping game without some kind of slow mo bullet cam to trace the path of shots to a target. Is it a fancier term for a HUD that also supports marking foes and zooming into distant objects? From the outset, sure, but as you unlock upgrades, going into “Mask Mode” will enable a variety of fun tactics like revealing weak spots for vehicles and fuse boxes to destroy them.

sniper ghost warrior contracts xbox one

This includes thermal vision, the ability to scan geometry and even functions as a pair of binoculars. To better navigate the sandbox, players will have an Augmented Reality or AR Mask. Setting up and measuring shots carefully is imperative to success. Fortunately, there’s the Dynamic Reticle System which provides a clearer outline for your shots (including the exact travel path of your bullets). You need to measure bullet distance, wind direction and other conditions to successfully kill foes. Unlike many games, the sniping here is pretty realistic. Each sandbox has its share of unique areas for contracts and despite confined to only one province, there are a variety of sights to see like dense forests, industrial areas and lakes. Complete contracting from a previous region will unlock the next so there is a set path of progression in the campaign. Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts is set entirely in Siberia with five large sandboxes each containing five main contracts to complete. It also doesn’t hurt that loading times are better and visuals have been improved with this scaled down approach. By emphasizing assassinations with clear parameters in focused zones, Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts returns to what matters most – sniping. The overall scale of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, coupled with its optimization, led to numerous gameplay issues and long loading times. CI Games also noted that there would be bounty contracts which aren’t required to progress through the campaign but provide additional challenges to master. Think of them as additional objectives which can be completed for an improved payout.

sniper ghost warrior contracts xbox one

During a contract, you’ll have specific side-objectives to fulfill. Of course, it’s not as cut and dry as simply assassinating a target. It’s a lot like IO Interactive’s recent Hitman games but with more realistic sniping. Though there is a loose “story” governing the pace and background information on each main target, your main purpose is to fulfill these contracts and get paid. The campaign is composed of 25 contracts in total. Players will take on different contracts, assassinating targets to earn money and upgrades. The game is about, shock of shocks, contracts.


It’s out on November 22 nd for Xbox One, PS4 and PC so let’s take a look at 15 things you need to know before buying. To that end, Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts promises a return to form, offering a variety of targets to kill in highly replayable scenarios. The Sniper: Ghost Warrior franchise has seen better days, especially following the failure of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3’s open world approach.

Sniper ghost warrior contracts xbox one